Posted By Kathleen Javen
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Once upon a time, a new life came into this world. A ginger fluff ball cavoodle puppy with big brown eyes and a desire to be cuddled. He found his way to his Mum and Dad who were totally besotted by the pup. They called him Enzo. (BTW – yes they are Ferrari fans…., who isn’t!)
Mum decided to share Enzo’s daily adventures with the world – well at least her world. Mum’s family came from miles and miles away and wanted to know what Pup was up to daily. So naturally a social media page was born – dedicated to Enzo’s daily adventures called What Enzo did.
Now, some beings are born to be famous and others have fame thrust upon them! Its chicken or egg territory I think…! Anyway, I’m thinking Lassie, Rin Tin Tin, Hooch and Colin from Accounts. But shove over – a new star is in town.
That shimmering fame magnet gravitated to Enzo, who naturally took it all in his stride. He’s that sort of chap. He strides with fame quiet naturally.
Ellen De Generes found our Enzo and ….as they say… the rest is history!
Enzo has 53,000 followers and a book! Good Lord! Does he do signings? We shall ask.
But, what has all this got to do with Bay Vets you ask? Good question. Enzo and his brother Rumi visit Bay Vets to keep their star shine and celebrity health in top notch.
All pets are celebrities to us – we love them all.
Shine on Enzo…Let your light Shine!
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